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The bad news decompression, but will inspire attacks
"Bad news syndrome" There are several reasons, especially some of the media in order to attract the audience in favor of multi-select some of the negative reports. MD, deputy director of Beijing Hui Long Guan Hospital, Psychiatry Research Center, Song Chong-liter, from another perspective, in addition to novelty and strange this factor, pressure, herd mentality factors.
Living or working in some bad news, unpleasant people, negative news can in order to comfort themselves, release the pressure. Song Chong Sheng said: "Some people see the negative news like behind to listen to someone ill, maybe even the superiority of foresight."
Have some negative news, such as the message of food safety class that can help people better protect themselves. "Psychological clinic, deputy director of Beijing Friendship Hospital, MD, Bai Xiaoli said," but from the mental health, too much negative news adverse effects under the state of tension and pressure, tend to lose the sense of security, if the mood is not reasonable release will result in excessively defensive or aggressive behavior. "
Four good way to lift the bad news syndrome
The two experts also reminds us that for the bad news, on the one hand, an objective view, the real face. The other hand, do not waste too much energy and too much attention to these things. Susceptible populations for the bad news syndrome ", Bai Xiaoli opened several" good medicine ": First, more than with friends and family to communicate, so that pressure and other negative emotions have a catharsis export. Second, movement, movement enables the body to secrete endorphins, a pleasurable sensation. To participate in public welfare activities, to enhance self-esteem. Fourth, the legitimate concerns of some meaningful negative information, such as food safety class, master guard against scientific knowledge.